Nanoscale imaging & spectroscopy application notes
Ultrafast pump-probe nanoscopy enables study of dynamic processes in nano-materials by providing time-resolved spectroscopy with nanoscale spatial resolution. This e-book...
This E-Book summarizes applications of nanoscale investigation of inorganic materials in energy-storage, mineralogy, archaeology and corrosion sciences.
Researchers at the University of Stuttgart equipped with a neaSCOPE have now succeeded to observe switching processes at unattained nanometer resolution.
Researchers from Georgia employed nano-FTIR spectroscopy and IR nanoscale imaging for investigating how individual enveloped viruses (CoV, IFV, HIV, Ebola, etc.) enter into a host cell, revealing new membrane penetration mechanisms and inhibition processes for antiviral therapies.
Download E-Book About this E-Book: Nanocomposite polymers, multilayer thin films, nanofibers and other polymer nanoforms often offer new properties or enhanced...
neaspec’s neaSCOPE was used by researchers at the CIC nanoGUNE to visualize how light moves in time and space inside an exotic class of matter known as hyperbolic materials. For the first time, ultraslow pulse propagation and backward propagating waves in deep subwavelength-scale thick slabs of boron nitride – a natural hyperbolic material for infrared light – could be observed.
neaspec developed a ready-to-use terahertz system that is capable of achieving a spatial resolution of 30 nanometers.
Using nano-FTIR neaSCOPE it could be shown that thin-film organic semiconductors contain regions of structural disorder. These could inhibit the transport of charge and limit the efficiency of organic electronic devices.
The neaSCOPE microscope equipped with a THz illumination unit were applied in ultrafast spectroscopy to take snapshots of super-fast electronic nano-motion. The scientists were able to record a 3D movie of electrons moving at the surface of a semiconductor nanowire.
neaspec's neaSCOPE microscope allows for launching and controlling light propagating along graphene, opening new venues for extremely miniaturized photonic devices and circuits
nano-FTIR beats the diffraction limit in infrared bio-spectroscopy and probes secondary structure in individual protein complexes
Two independent research teams have successfully used their neaSCOPE infrared near-field microscopes for laying down a ghost: visualizing Dirac plasmons propagating along graphene, for the first time.
Near-field microscopy at infared and terahertz frequencies allows to quantify free carrier properties at the nanoscale without the need of electrical contacts.
Based on their unique near-field spectral signature infrared-active materials can be identified with neaSCOPE.
Infrared near-field microscopy allows to study the propagation of surface waves in the infrared spectral regime. Amplitude and phase resolved...
Direct verification of superlensing can be achieved by near-field microscopy as the local field transmitted by a superlens can be investigated in the near-field of the lens.
Direct visualization of infrared light transportation and nanofocusing by miniature transmission lines is possible by amplitude- and phase-resolved near-field microscopy.
Amplitude and phase resolved near-field mapping of the local field distribution on resonant IR antennas can be used to analyze the antenna design and its functionality.
The high spatial resolution of infrared near-field microscopy allows for detailed studies of phase transitions in materials like the insulator-to-metal transition of vanadium dioxide (VO2) thin films.
Mapping nanoscale stress/strain fields around nanoindents in the surface of Silicon Carbide (SiC) crystals. Compressive/tensile strain occurs in bright/dark contrast respectively.
The local conductivity of nanowires can be investigated by infrared near-field microscopy.
Customers that trust us
Our neaSCOPE powered with a THz TDS solution enable us to open new routes to imaging single biomolecules with THz techniques.
neaSCOPE is one of the key tools of our interdisciplinary research centre dedicated to nanoscience and nanotechnology at the frontier of basic and applied research.
The neaSCOPE microscope with it’s imaging and nano-FTIR mode is the most useful research instrument in years, bringing genuinely new insights.
The neaSCOPE near-field microscope and it’s user-friendly software offer us an incredible flexibility for the realization of our unique experiments – without compromises in robustness, handling and ease-of-use.
The great stability and robustness of the neaSCOPE are key features for serving our diverse user’s demands. The neaSCAN software is user-friendly and intuitive allowing fresh users to quickly start measuring.
As a newcomer to the near-field optics I am very grateful for the prompt and competent support provided by neaspec’s experts.
We were looking for a flexible research tool capable of characterizing our energy storage materials at the nanoscale. neaSCOPE proofed to be the system with the highest spatial resolution in infrared imaging and spectroscopy and brings us substantial new insights for our research.
After very successful scientific research with the neaSCOPE microscope, we now decided to bring our research to the next level with the brand-new ultra-low temperature cryo-neaSCOPE.
Our neaSCOPE microscope enabled us to maximize our scientific output. It also strengthens the collaboration with several partners worldwide.
Surfaces & interfaces play an important role in physical chemistry. The neaSCOPE microscope is the ideal tool to study two-dimensional materials, energy conversion & storage. It allows us full access to surface chemical information & modification at the highest spatial resolution.
The neaSNOM is the most powerful tool for plasmonic studies. It provides both, the spatial resolution and the complex field mapping, which is essential to the success of our projects.
We propose to establish a complete set of nano-FTIR and scattering-type s-SNOM in order to stay competitive in nanophotonics research as well as to maintain our state-of-the-art design and fabrication of novel nanomaterials. Only because of the unique technology from neaspec we were able to win this desirable university grant.
The neaSCOPE microscope boosted my research in plasmonic properties of noble metal nanocrystals, optical resonances of dielectric nanostructures, and plasmon polaritons of graphene-like two dimensional nanomaterials.
The unique dual beam-path design of the neaSCOPE near-field microscope makes neaspec the natural choice for ultrafast spectroscopy at the nanoscale.
Our neaSCOPE microscope contributes to the development of sensing and imaging systems exploiting the THz spectrum for applications from security and defence to in vivo biomedical imaging.
With the neaSCOPE nanoscope, it was possible to “see” the light ripples moving on the graphene, about 300 times slower than light, and dramatically different from what is expected from classical physics laws.
The neaSCOPE new imaging technique offers me the right tool to unravel the fascinating world of protein folding in complex biological systems at the nanoscale
A unique advantage of the neaSCOPE microscope is that it can be applied to many fields of scientific research such as Chemistry, Semiconductor Technology, Polymer Science and even Life-Science.
I needed a flexible experimental platform with a high degree of optical access. The highly modular design of neaSCOPE provides an ideal foundation for the development of my own experiments on top of it.
Our neaSCOPE microscope supported us to be the first to develop the research field of optical skyrmions and set the stage for a new platform for information processing, transfer and storage applications.
With its ultra-small & ultra-fast capabilities as well as the highly-compatible & user-friendly design, the neaSCOPE near-field microscope offers us unique opportunities to uncover the intriguing nano-optical phenomena of novel two-dimensional materials.
As a near-field expert, I was quickly convinced that neaSCOPE is the only optical AFM microscope completely satisfying the needs of demanding near-field experiments. It’s the best commercially available technology and in addition really easy to use.
Developed by the s-SNOM experts, the neaSCOPE microsocope is the ideal tool for our demanding applications. We work on characterizing opto-electronic devices like LEDs, transistors based on GaN and SiC as well as nanocomposites in e.g. textile fibers.
After many years of research and development in near-field microscopy, we finally made our dream come true to perform infrared imaging & spectroscopy at the nanoscale. With neaSCOPE we can additionally realize Raman, fluorescence and non-linear nano-spectroscopy.
neaspec provides an ideal and reliable near-field optical microscope. Their expertise has proved invaluable in setting up my experiments.
Already after the first day of the system installation we have been able to measure publishable data.
Creating remarkable scientific impact
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 677, 406 (2025)
Two-dimensional confined topotactic transformation to produce Co-Pi/Co3O4 hybrid porous nanosheets for promoted water oxidationJournal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 160, 106722 (2024)
Evidence of time dependent degradation of polypropylene surgical mesh explanted from the abdomen and vagina of sheepNanomaterials 14, 1909 (2024)
The Effect of Combining Femtosecond Laser and Electron Irradiation on Silica GlassNano Letters 24, 15008 (2024)
Time-Domain-Filtered Terahertz Nanoscopy of Intrinsic Light–Matter InteractionsNature Communications 15, 9727 (2024)
Visible-frequency hyperbolic plasmon polaritons in a natural van der Waals crystalACS Nano 18, 31949 (2024)
Anomalous Nernst Effect-Based Near-Field Imaging of Magnetic NanostructuresNano Letters 24, 14460 (2024)
Imaging Ferroelastic Domain Walls in Hybrid Improper Ferroelectric Sr3Sn2O7The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128,18566 (2024)
Tailoring Surface Phonon Polariton on SiO2 by Ion-Beam IrradiationChemical & Biomedical Imaging (2024)
In Depth Mapping of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles in Malignant Glioma Cells Using Scattering-Type Scanning Near-Field Optical MicroscopyThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 15, 10686 (2024)
Understanding the Impact of SAM Fermi Levels on High Efficiency p-i-n Perovskite Solar CellsNature Communications 15, 8907 (2024)
On-chip phonon-enhanced IR near-field detection of molecular vibrationsAnalytical Chemistry 96, 17049 (2024)
Spatial Variations in Hydrogen Bonding Interaction within Polymer Blends Revealed by Infrared NanoimagingAdvanced Functional Materials 2411069 (2024)
Shadow Mask Molecular Beam Epitaxy for In-Plane Gradient Permittivity MaterialsHeliyon (2024)
Ferritin Adsorption onto Chrysotile Asbestos Fibers influences the Protein Secondary StructureAdvanced Functional Materials 2406643 (2024)
Detection and Signal Processing for Near-Field Nanoscale Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyNanotechnology 35, 1361 (2024)
Ultrathin natural biotite crystals as a dielectric layer for van der Waals heterostructure applicationsAdvanced Optical Materials 12, 30 (2024)
Laterally Modulating Carrier Concentration by Ion Irradiation in CdO Thin Films for Mid-IR PlasmonicsACS Photonics 262083709 (2024)
Bound States in the Continuum and Long-Range Coupling of Polaritons in Hexagonal Boron Nitride NanoresonatorsACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, 50706 (2024)
Enhanced Performance and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Through Surface Modification with Benzocaine HydrochlorideNano Letters 24, 12406 (2024)
Double Tips for In-Plane Polarized Near-Field Microscopy and SpectroscopySensors 24, 5866 (2024)
Unveiling the Terahertz Nano-Fingerprint Spectrum of Single Artificial Metallic ResonatorCarbon Trends 100378 (2024)
Unveiling the surface of carbon black via scanning probe microscopy and chemical state analysisAdvanced Materials 36, 2401349 (2024)
Tunable Phonon Polariton Hybridization in a Van der Waals Hetero-BicrystalChemistry of Materials 36, 8247 (2024)
Exploring the Photophysical and Mechanical Behavior of Fluorescent Metal–Organic Framework MonolithsACS Photonics (2024)
Full Quantitative Near-Field Characterization of Strongly Coupled Exciton–Plasmon Polaritons in Thin-Layered WSe2 on a Monocrystalline Gold PlateletClick to copy article linkSmall 2402568 (2024)
Nanoscale Mechanical Manipulation of Ultrathin SiN Membranes Enabling Infrared Near-Field Microscopy of Liquid-Immersed samplesNature Communications 15, 7047 (2024)
Hyperbolic-to-hyperbolic transition at exceptional Reststrahlen point in rare-earth oxyorthosilicatesnanomaterials (2024)
Low Dielectric Medium for Hyperbolic Phonon Polariton Waveguide in van der Waals HeterostructuresBiomedical Optics Express 15, 5229 (2024)
Unveiling enamel demineralization mechanisms by sensitive dielectric differentiation based on terahertz nanospectroscopyACS Photonics 11, 3123 (2024)
Hot-Electron Dynamics in a Semiconductor Nanowire under Intense THz ExcitationNature Communications 15, 6760 (2024)
Experimental verification of field-enhanced molecular vibrational scattering at single infrared antennasNanoscale Advances 6, 5164 (2024)
Nano-FTIR spectroscopy reveals SiO2 densification within fs-laser induced nanogratingsAdvanced Materials 2405978 (2024)
Revealing Mode Formation in Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum Metasurfaces via Near-Field Optical MicroscopyPhysical Review Applied 22, 014076 (2024)
Fourier analysis of near-field patterns generated by propagating polaritonsScientific Reports 14, 17166 (2024)
Synchrotron nano-FTIR spectroscopy for probing anticancer drugs at subcellular scalebasic solid state physics (2024)
Phonon Polaritons Launched by Natural Boron Nitride Wrinkles Probed with Nano-Fourier Transform Infrared SpectroscopyNanomaterials (2024)
Micro-to-Nanoscale Characterization of Femtosecond Laser Photo-Inscribed MicrovoidsACS Photonics 11, 3131 (2024)
Identification of Surface Coatings on Central African Wooden Sculptures Using Nano-FTIR SpectroscopyClick to copy article linkNature Photonics (2024)
In situ nanoscopy of single-grain nanomorphology and ultrafast carrier dynamics in metal halide perovskitesAdvanced Optical Materials 2400646 (2024)
Near-Field Nanospectroscopy and Mode Mapping of Lead Telluride HoppercubesAdvanced Optical Materials 2400646 (2024)
Near-Field Nanospectroscopy and Mode Mapping of Lead Telluride HoppercubesScientific Reports 14, 16227 (2024)
Terahertz near-field microscopy of metallic circular split ring resonators with graphene in the gapACS Applied Polymer Materials 6, 8084 (2024)
Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Electrochemical Sensors for Strawberry Sweetness Biomarker DetectionEditorial Board Special Collection (2024)
3D Confinement Stabilizes the Metastable Amorphous State of Antimony Nanoparticles – A New Material for Miniaturized Phase Change Memories?ACS Applied Polymer Materials 6, 8084 (2024)
Development of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Electrochemical Sensors for Strawberry Sweetness Biomarker DetectionLaser & Photonics Reviews 2301148 (2024)
Tip-Enhanced Imaging and Control of Infrared Strong Light-Matter InteractionThe Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2024)
Water Nanochannels in Ultrathin Clinochlore Phyllosilicate Mineral with Ice-like BehaviorNature Communications 15, 5546 (2024)
Light-driven C–H activation mediated by 2D transition metal dichalcogenidesACS Nano 18, 17492 (2024)
Highly Confined Hybridized Polaritons in Scalable van der Waals Heterostructure ResonatorsOptics Express 32, 14 (2024)
Optical damage thresholds of single-mode fiber-tip spintronic terahertz emittersNature Energy (2024)
Achieving 19% efficiency in non-fused ring electron acceptor solar cells via solubility control of donor and acceptor crystallizationACS Photonics (2024)
Spatially Resolved Near Field Spectroscopy of Vibrational Polaritons at the Small N LimitProgress in Natural Science: Materials International (2024)
Large focal length planar focusing of Dyakonov polaritons in hyperbolic metamaterialJournal of Membrane Science 123001 (2024)
Correlating gas permeability and morphology of bio-based polyether-block-amide copolymer membranes by IR nanospectroscopyACS Nano 18, 17065 (2024)
Monolithically Structured van der Waals Materials for Volume-Polariton Refraction and FocusingOptics Express 32, 23882 (2024)
Calibration method for complex permittivity measurements using s-SNOM combining multiple probe tapping harmonicsACS Nano 18, 16208 (2024)
High Q Hybrid Mie–Plasmonic Resonances in van der Waals Nanoantennas on Gold SubstrateAngewandte Chemie 202407355 (2024)
Precisely Regulating Intermolecular Interactions and Molecular Packing of Nonfused-Ring Electron Acceptors via Halogen Transposition for High-Performance Organic Solar CellsCeramics International (2024)
Quasistatic nature of subsurface densification of soda lime silicate glass under nano- and Vickers indentationNature Communications 15, 4743 (2024)
Highly confined epsilon-near-zero and surface phonon polaritons in SrTiO3 membranesAnalytical Chemistry 96, 9610 (2024)
Fast Nano-IR Hyperspectral Imaging Empowered by Large-Dataset-Free Miniaturized Spatial–Spectral NetworkACS Omega 9, 24685 (2024)
Characterization of Modified PVDF Membranes Using Fourier Transform Infrared and Raman Microscopy and Infrared Nanoimaging: Challenges and Advantages of Individual MethodsApplied Physics Letters 124, 221105 (2024)
Near-field probes for sensitive detectorless near-field nanoscopy in the 2.0–4.6 THz rangeACS Nano 18, 15270 (2024)
Synchrotron Near-Field Infrared Nanospectroscopy and Nanoimaging of Lithium Fluoride in Solid Electrolyte Interphases in Li-Ion Battery AnodesSpectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 313 (2024)
Human erythrocytes under stress. Spectroscopic fingerprints of known oxidative mechanisms and beyondAdvanced Materials 2400554 (2024)
Terahertz and Infrared Plasmon Polaritons in PtTe2 Type-II Dirac Topological SemimetalJournal of Controlled Release 369 (2024)
Inhalable porous particles as dual micro-nano carriers demonstrating efficient lung drug delivery for treatment of tuberculosisProgress in Organic Coatings 190 (2024)
Nanomechanical and nano-FTIR analysis of polyester coil coatings before and after artificial weathering experimentsNano-Structures & Nano-Objects 38 (2024)
Identification of chemical transformations in enamel apatite during the development of fissure caries at the nanoscale by means of synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy: A pilot studyAdvanced Materials 36, 2403476 (2024)
The Role of Solution Aggregation Property toward High-Efficiency Non-Fullerene Organic Photovoltaic CellsNature Communications 15, 3472 (2024)
Direct programming of confined surface phonon polariton resonators with the plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2Advanced Materials 2400094 (2024)
Unravelling the Ageing Effects of PDMS-Based Triboelectric NanogeneratorsJournal of Synchrotron Radiation 1600 (2024)
Synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy in fourth-generation storage ringsOptics Express 32, 15280 (2024)
Origins and consequences of asymmetric nano-FTIR interferogramsJGR Planets 129, 4 (2024)
Nanoscale Spectroscopic Identification and Characterization of Minerals and Organic Matter in Ryugu ParticlesNature Photonics 3797 (2024)
Multiplication of the orbital angular momentum of phonon polaritons via sublinear dispersionACS Nano 18, 10104 (2024)
Near-Field Terahertz Morphological Reconstruction Nanoscopy for Subsurface Imaging of Protein LayersNature Catalysis 7, 422 (2024)
Nanometre-resolved observation of electrochemical microenvironment formation at the nanoparticle–ligand interfaceApplied Physics Letters 124, 123103 (2024)
Nano-infrared imaging of epitaxial graphene on SiC revealing doping and thickness inhomogeneitiesNature Communications 15, 2397 (2024)
Biomimetic nanocluster photoreceptors for adaptative circular polarization visionNature Communications 15, 2373 (2024)
Near-field detection of gate-tunable anisotropic plasmon polaritons in black phosphorus at terahertz frequenciesNanophotonics 13, 8 (2024)
Spintronic terahertz metasurface emission characterized by scanning near-field nanoscopyPolymer Testing 132 (2024)
Reinforcement of nanostructured polyacrylamide hydrogels through the generation of secondary physical network using the nanoparticles’ functional groupsColloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 235, 113769 (2024)
Nano-FTIR spectroscopy of surface confluent polydopamine films – What is the role of deposition time and substrate material?Light: Science & Applications 13, 68 (2024)
Exploring van der Waals materials with high anisotropy: geometrical and optical approachesNature Communications 15, 1552 (2024)
Wandering principal optical axes in van der Waals triclinic materialsNanoscale (2024)
Infrared nanoimaging of neuronal ultrastructure and nanoparticle interaction with cellsNature Communications 15, 1812 (2024)
Myriad Mapping of nanoscale minerals reveals calcium carbonate hemihydrate in forming nacre and coral biomineralsAdvanced Optical Materials 2302797 (2024)
High-Index and Low-Loss Topological Insulators for Mid-Infrared Nanophotonics: Bismuth and Antimony ChalcogenidesScience Advances 10, 8 (2024)
Tunable plasmonic superchiral light for ultrasensitive detection of chiral moleculesAdvanced Materials 23, 2401370 (2024)
Simple-Structured Acceptor with Highly Interconnected Electron-Transport Pathway Enables High-Efficiency Organic Solar CellsChemistry of Materials (2024)
Photoluminescence Modulation of Graphene/MoS2 Heterostructures Separated by Laser-Induced FunctionalizationNanophotonics (2024)
Tunable hyperbolic polaritons with plasmonic phase-change material In3SbTe2The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128, 2052 (2024)
Nanoimaging of Water Bending and Carboxylate Stretching Modes in Colloidal Nanocrystal FilmsSustainable Energy Fuels 8, 997 (2024)
Impact of hole-transport layer materials on the field-induced degradation of p-i-n perovskite solar cells†Nature Communications 15, 709 (2024)
Manipulating hyperbolic transient plasmons in a layered semiconductorACS Nano 18, 4118 (2024)
Enabling Waveguide Optics in Rhombohedral-Stacked Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with Laser-Patterned Grating CouplersCrystal Growth Design 24, 1068 (2024)
Correlating the Anisotropic Etching Behavior in Layered Chalcogenide Sb2Te3 with Crystal Defect DistributionAdvanced Optical Materials 2302804 (2024)
Dispersion Engineering of In-Plane Anisotropic Phonon Polaritons in hBN/Te van der Waals HeterostructuresResults in Physics 56,107318 (2024)
Generic arrays of surface-positioned and shallow-buried gold multi-shapes as reference samples to benchmark near-field microscopes. Part 1: Applications in s-SNOM depth imagingACS Nano 18, 2105 (2024)
Infrared Nanoimaging of Hydrogenated Perovskite Nickelate Memristive DevicesNano Letters 24, 836 (2024)
Sub-Tip-Radius Near-Field Interactions in Nano-FTIR Vibrational Spectroscopy on Single ProteinsNature Materials (2024)
Compensating losses in polariton propagation with synthesized complex frequency excitationAdvanced Functional Materials 2312980 (2024)
In Operando Near-Field Optical Investigation of Memristive Ta2O5 Thin Film Devices with a Graphene Top ElectrodeNano Letters 24, 114 (2024)
Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopic Characterization of Extended Defects in 4H-Silicon CarbideApplied Physics Reviews 10, 041414 (2023)
Terahertz spin currents resolved with nanometer spatial resolutionACS Photonics 10, 4329 (2023)
Ultrabroadband Terahertz Near-Field Nanospectroscopy with a HgCdTe DetectorSmall Science 2300162 (2023)
Nanodomain Control in Carbon Molecular Sieve Membranes via Nanomaterial FootprintingNature Communications 14, 7965 (2023)
Polariton design and modulation via van der Waals/doped semiconductor heterostructuresNano Letters 23, 10758 (2023)
Mid-Infrared Mapping of Four-Layer Graphene Polytypes Using Near-Field MicroscopyNature Communications 14, 7686 (2023)
Thermal and electrostatic tuning of surface phonon-polaritons in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructuresNano Letters 23, 10243 (2023)
Topological Transitions and Surface Umklapp Scattering in Weakly Modulated Periodic MetasurfacesAdvanced Functional Materials 2308062 (2023)
Tailored Broad-Spectrum Emission in Hybrid Aggregation Induced Emission (AIE)-MOFs: Boosting White Light Efficiency in Electrospun Janus MicrofibersNano Letters 23, 11501 (2023)
Unveiling Local Optical Properties Using Nanoimaging Phase Mapping in High-Index Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Resonant NanostructuresNanophotonics 12, 22 (2023)
A low-loss molybdenum plasmonic waveguide: perfect single-crystal preparation and subwavelength grating optimizationCommunications Materials 4, 86 (2023)
Stress–strain relationships and yielding of metal-organic framework monolithsACS Applied Materials Interfaces 15, 47649 (2023)
Elucidating the Mechanism of Large Phosphate Molecule Intercalation Through Graphene-Substrate HeterointerfacesACS Nano 17, 18914 (2023)
Direct Electrochemical Functionalization of Graphene Grown on Cu Including the Reaction Rate Dependence on the Cu Facet TypeNanoscale 15, 16002 (2023)
Extraordinary optical transmittance generation on Si3N4 membranesActa Biomaterialia 168, 309 (2023)
Probing the micro- and nanoscopic properties of dental materials using infrared spectroscopy: A proof-of-principle studyScience Bulletin 68,1757 (2023)
Tunable heterostructural prism for planar polaritonic switchNature Communications 14, 5240 (2023)
Controlling the propagation asymmetry of hyperbolic shear polaritons in beta-gallium oxideScience Advances 9, 34 (2023)
Ultrafast anisotropic dynamics of hyperbolic nanolight pulse propagationNano Letters 23, 8057 (2023)
van der Waals Materials for Overcoming Fundamental Limitations in Photonic Integrated CircuitrySurface and Coatings Technology 466, 129637 (2023)
Effect of cryogenic laser surface modification on the microstructure evolution and corrosion resistance of accident-tolerant FeCrAl alloysNanoscale 15, 14606 (2023)
Nanoscale insights into the local structural rearrangements of amyloid-β induced by bexaroteneOptics Express 31, 28010 (2023)
Optical nanoimaging of highly-confined phonon polaritons in atomically-thin nanoribbons of α-MoO3Nature Communications 14, 4782 (2023)
Van der Waals isotope heterostructures for engineering phonon polariton dispersionsCommunications Chemistry 6, 163 (2023)
13C- and 15N-labeling of amyloid-β and inhibitory peptides to study their interaction via nanoscale infrared spectroscopyNano Research 16, 11326 (2023)
Graphene-coated conductive probes with enhanced sensitivity for nanoIR spectroscopyChemistry of Materials 35, 6097 (2023)
Area-Selective Etching of Poly(methyl methacrylate) Films by Catalytic DecompositionJournal of Functional Biomaterials 14, 377 (2023)
Influence of Dynamic Strain Sweep on the Degradation Behavior of FeMnSi–Ag Shape Memory AlloysNanoscale 15, 13224 (2023)
Néel-type optical target skyrmions inherited from evanescent electromagnetic fields with rotational symmetryNature Communications 14, 3894 (2023)
Hyperbolic polaritonic crystals with configurable low-symmetry Bloch modesApplied Surface Science 623, 157014 (2023)
Nanoscale local modification of PMMA refractive index by tip-enhanced femtosecond pulsed laser irradiationAnalyst 148, 3584 (2023)
Infrared nanospectroscopy depth-dependent study of modern materials: morpho-chemical analysis of polyurethane/fibroin binary meshesNanoscale 15, 12000 (2023)
Phonon polaritons in van der Waals polar heterostructures for broadband strong light–matter interactionsACS Nano 17, 12140 (2023)
Role of Bilayer Graphene Microstructure on the Nucleation of WSe2 OverlayersJournal of Physical Chemistry C 127, 12593 (2023)
Formation of Anti-Etching Nanopatterns in Field-Emission Scanning Probe Lithography on Calixarene FilmsAdvanced Functional Materials 33, 34 (2023)
Guest Entrapment in Metal-Organic Nanosheets for Quantifiably Tuneable LuminescenceOptics Express 31, 22308 (2023)
Pseudoheterodyne interferometry for multicolor near-field imagingMaterials 16, 4277 (2023)
Direct Nanoscale Visualization of the Electric-Field-Induced Aging Dynamics of MAPbI3 Thin FilmsNano Letters 23, 5506 (2023)
Fast Twist Angle Mapping of Bilayer Graphene Using Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Contrast MicroscopyeLight 3, 14 (2023)
Source-configured symmetry-broken hyperbolic polaritonsJournal of Materials Chemistry C 11, 10185 (2023)
Optical and electronic properties of different thin-film polymorphs of PDIF-CN2 controlled by zone-casting conditionsFrontiers in Microbiology 14, 1 (2023)
Label-free detection and identification of single bacteria via terahertz near-field imagingNano Letters 23, 5035 (2023)
Guided Polaritons along the Forbidden Direction in MoO3 with Geometrical ConfinementAdvanced Optical Materials 11, 16 (2023)
A Novel Multi-Functional Thiophene-Based Organic Cation as Passivation, Crystalline Orientation, and Organic Spacer Agent for Low-Dimensional 3D/1D Perovskite Solar CellsAdvanced Optical Materials 11, 17 (2023)
Infrared Resonance Tailoring of Individual Split-Ring Resonators with Phase-Change Materials by Locally Changing the Dielectric Surrounding of the Antenna HotspotsACS Photonics 10, 1841 (2023)
Focusing of Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons by Bent Metal Nanowires and Their Polarization DependenceACS Omega 8, 21474 (2023)
Isolation of Mixed Compositions of Cellulose Nanocrystals, Microcrystalline Cellulose, and Lignin Nanoparticles from Wood PulpsNature Communications 14, 2845 (2023)
Observation of directional leaky polaritons at anisotropic crystal interfacesThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 4892 (2023)
Near-Field Localization of the Boson Peak on Tantalum Films for Superconducting Quantum DevicesNano Letters 23, 5070 (2023)
Quenched Excitons in WSe2/α-RuCl3 Heterostructures Revealed by Multimessenger NanoscopyAdvanced Optical Materials 11, 16 (2023)
Tailoring the Phonon Polaritons in α-MoO3 via Proton IrradiationMaterials 16, 4277 (2023)
Direct Nanoscale Visualization of the Electric-Field-Induced Aging Dynamics of MAPbI3 Thin FilmsNature Materials 22, 860 (2023)
Real-space observation of ultraconfined in-plane anisotropic acoustic terahertz plasmon polaritonsNature Communications 14, 2532 (2023)
Mid-infrared analogue polaritonic reversed Cherenkov radiation in natural anisotropic crystalsACS Photonics 10, 1601 (2023)
Bias Reconfigurable Photoresponse of an Infrared Nanocrystal Film Integrated into a Coupled Fabry-Perot ResonatorChemistry Europe 10, 11 (2023)
Electrochemical Detection of Silica Nanoparticles by Nanoparticle Imprinted MatricesNano Letters 23, 3985 (2023)
Dual-Band Coupling of Phonon and Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Vibrational and Electronic Excitations in MoleculesChemistry Europe 10, 11 (2023)
Electrochemical Detection of Silica Nanoparticles by Nanoparticle Imprinted MatricesNano Letters 23, 3985 (2023)
Dual-Band Coupling of Phonon and Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Vibrational and Electronic Excitations in MoleculesACS Nano 17, 8233 (2023)
Nanoscale Enhancement of the Local Optical Conductivity near Cracks in Metallic SrRuO3 FilmNanoscale Advances 5, 2820 (2023)
Local phonon imaging of AlN nanostructures with nanoscale spatial resolutionNanomaterials 13, 1376 (2023)
Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy of Ultrathin Gold FilmsNano Letters 23, 3137 (2023)
Domain-Dependent Surface Adhesion in Twisted Few-Layer Graphene: Platform for Moiré-Assisted Chemistry2D Materials and Applications 7, 31 (2023)
Twist-tunable polaritonic nanoresonators in a van der Waals crystalNanophotonics (2023)
Terahertz nanospectroscopy of plasmon polaritons for the evaluation of doping in quantum devicesMaterials Degradation 7, 21 (2023)
Protective coatings for ceramic artefacts exposed to UV ageingNano Select 4, 395 (2023)
Characterization and quantification of oxidative stress induced particle debris from polypropylene surgical meshACS Applied Electronic Materials (2023)
High-Performance Organic Field-Effect Transistors Using Rare Earth Metal Oxides as DielectricsACS Nano 17, 6943 (2023)
The Effect of the SEI Layer Mechanical Deformation on the Passivity of a Si Anode in Organic Carbonate ElectrolytesACS Applied Optical Materials (2023)
Terahertz Nanoscopy of Metal and Gallium Implanted SiliconAdvanced Optical Materials 2202651 (2023)
Laser-Printed Terahertz Plasmonic Phase-Change MetasurfacesNext Materials 100009 (2023)
Nanostructure-dependent indentation fracture toughness of metal-organic framework monolithsAdvanced Materials 2300301 (2023)
Launching and Manipulation of Higher-Order In-Plane Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in Low-Dimensional HeterostructuresPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, 8725 (2023)
Diversity at the nanoscale: laser-oxidation of single-layer graphene affects Fmoc-phenylalanine surface-mediated self-assemblyJournal of Physical Chemistry C (2023)
Raman and Far-Infrared Synchrotron Nanospectroscopy of Layered Crystalline Talc: Vibrational Properties, Interlayer Coupling, and Symmetry CrossoverNature Nanotechnology 18, 529 (2023)
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Polymerization of aromatic dinitroso derivatives initiated by nitroso-terminated monolayer on Au(111) surface: Insights from ellipsometry, AFM and nano-FTIR spectroscopyResearch Square (2023)
Cubic Fe-bearing majorite synthesized at 18-25 GPa and 1000 °C: implications for element transport, subducted slab rheology and diamond formationCurrent Applied Physics 46, 40 (2023)
Roles of a strain relaxation and an oxygen vacancy on nanoscale inhomogeneities in VO2 thin filmOptics Express 31, 7012 (2023)
Identification of weak molecular absorption in single-wavelength s-SNOM imagesJournal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 44, 769 (2023)
Nanoscale-Resolved Spatial Mapping of Tip-Mediated Terahertz Emission from SemiconductorsACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15, 7562 (2023)
Real-Space Infrared Spectroscopy of Ferroelectric Domain Walls in Multiferroic h-(Lu,Sc)FeO3ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 15, 6755 (2023)
Nano-FTIR Spectroscopy of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase Layer on a Thin-Film Silicon Li-Ion AnodeResearch Square (2023)
Label-free nanoscale mapping of intracellular organelle chemistryNature Nanotechnology (2023)
Electrically switchable anisotropic polariton propagation in a ferroelectric van der Waals semiconductorResearch Square (2023)
Controlling the Propagation Asymmetry of Hyperbolic Shear Polaritons in Beta-Gallium OxideOptical Materials 136, 113447 (2023)
Broadband and ultrafast terahertz modulation with GeTe thin filmsOptical Materials 135, 113237 (2023)
Optical properties of annealed nearly percolated Au thin filmsNanoscale (2023)
Broadband Plasmonic Indium Arsenide Photonic AntennasNature Communications 13, 7856 (2022)
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Graphene Coated Dielectric Hierarchical Nanostructures for Highly Sensitive Broadband Infrared SensingAnalytical Methods (2022)
Multi-feature round silicon membrane filters enable fractionation and analysis of micro- and nanoplastics with Raman spectroscopy and nano-FTIRNature Communications 13, 7587 (2022)
Unconventional non-local relaxation dynamics in a twisted trilayer graphene moiré superlatticeCurrent Applied Physics 46, 40 (2022)
Roles of a strain relaxation and an oxygen vacancy on nanoscale inhomogeneities in VO2 thin filmApplied Physics Letters 121, 233301 (2022)
Intrinsic polarization-sensitive organic photodetector with self-assembled all-polymer heterojunctionNano Convergence 9, 53 (2022)
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Remote near-field spectroscopy of vibrational strong coupling between organic molecules and phononic nanoresonatorsCarbohydrate Polymers 302, 120320 (2022)
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Revealing the structure of the sodium-leached layer of soda lime silica glass: A comprehensive spectroscopic analysisJournal of the American Chemical Society 144, 20278 (2022)
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Infrared imaging of surface confluent polydopamine (PDA) films at the nanoscaleAdvanced Functional Materials 2208761 (2022)
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Nano-optical imaging of exciton–plasmon polaritons in WSe2/Au heterostructuresJournal of Applied Physics 132, 174301 (2022)
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Molecular Langmuir–Blodgett Film for Silicon Anode Interface EngineeringAdvanced Optical Materials 2201492 (2022)
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Towards compact phase-matched and waveguided nonlinear optics in atomically layered semiconductorsNature Nanotechnology 17, 940 (2022)
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Reconfigurable hyperbolic polaritonics with correlated oxide metasurfacesApplied Surface Science 599, 153959 (2022)
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In vitro investigation of protein assembly by combined microscopy and infrared spectroscopy at the nanometer scaleScience Advances 8, eabn9774 (2022)
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Plasmonic Local Heating Induced Strain Modulation for Enhanced Efficiency and Stability of Perovskite Solar CellsAdvanced Energy Materials 12, 2200186 (2022)
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Subsurface chemical nanoidentification by nano-FTIR spectroscopyACS Nano, Articles ASAP (2020)
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Laser THz emission nanoscopy and THz nanoscopyOptics Letters 45, 3244 (2020)
Plasmonic nanojet: an experimental demonstrationPhys. Rev. Research 2, 023272 (2020)
Near-field infrared nanospectroscopy of surface phonon-polariton resonancesAdvanced Materials, Early View (2020)
Infrared Permittivity of the Biaxial van der Waals Semiconductor α‐MoO3 from Near‐ and Far‐Field Correlative StudiesNature Communications 11, 2646 (2020)
Chemical switching of low-loss phonon polaritons in α-MoO3 by hydrogen intercalationACS Photonics 7, 1396 (2020)
Acceleration of Subwavelength Polaritons by Engineering Dielectric-Metallic SubstratesAppl. Phys. Lett. 116, 191105 (2020)
Near-field mapping of the edge mode of a topological valley slab waveguide at λ = 1.55 μmScience Advances 6, eaaz0566 (2020)
Watching in situ the hydrogen diffusion dynamics in magnesium on the nanoscaleACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 24218 (2020)
Pyramid-Shaped Single-Crystalline Nanostructure of Molybdenum with Excellent Mechanical, Electrical, and Optical PropertiesACS Nano, Article ASAP (2020)
Infrared Nanoimaging of Surface Plasmons in Type-II Dirac Semimetal PtTe2 NanoribbonsNature Communications 11, 1863 (2020)
Resonant nanostructures for highly confined and ultra-sensitive surface phonon-polaritonsOptics Express 28, 12998 (2020)
Interferometric near-field characterization of plasmonic slot waveguides in single- and poly-crystalline gold filmsNature Materials, online article (2020)
Broad spectral tuning of ultra-low-loss polaritons in a van der Waals crystal by intercalationACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3, 4486 (2020)
Grayscale Nanopatterning of Phase-Change Materials for Subwavelength-Scaled, Inherently Planar, Nonvolatile, and Reconfigurable Optical DevicesNanophotonics 9, 953 (2020)
Ultrabright single-photon emission from germanium-vacancy zero-phonon lines: deterministic emitter-waveguide interfacing at plasmonic hot spotsActa Microscopica 29, 1159 (2020)
Structure and Chemical Properties of Non-metallic Materials Based on Near-field Optical MicroscopeRSC Advances 10, 19789 (2020)
Dual-mode response behavior of a graphene oxide implanted energetic system under different thermal stimuliJournal of Alloys and Compounds 817,153336 (2020)
Nonlinear dielectric properties of BaTiO3 - Silver composites: The role of microstructureNanoscale, Accepted Manuscript (2020)
Manipulating Phonon Polaritons in Low Loss 11B enriched Hexagonal Boron Nitride with Polarization ControlAdvanced Materials 32, 1906530 (2020)
Nanoscale Guiding of Infrared Light with Hyperbolic Volume and Surface Polaritons in van der Waals Material RibbonsAnal. Chem. , Articles ASAP (2020)
Conformation in Ultrathin Polymer Brush Coatings Resolved by Infrared NanoscopyAdvanced Functional Materials 30, 1907357 (2020)
Exploiting Phonon‐Resonant Near‐Field Interaction for the Nanoscale Investigation of Extended DefectsOptics Express 28, 696 (2020)
Visibility of subsurface nanostructures in scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy imagingACS Photonics 7, 576 (2020)
Nanoscale Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Catalytic Reactions in Cu2O CrystalsAdvanced Materials 32, 1907105 (2020)
Efficient All‐Optical Plasmonic Modulators with Atomically Thin Van Der Waals HeterostructuresRSC Advances, 10, 5146 (2020)
Near-field imaging of the multi-resonant mode induced broadband tunable metamaterial absorberACS Photonics 7, 687 (2020)
THz Near-Field Imaging of Extreme Subwavelength Metal StructuresACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12, 7717 (2020)
Super-Slippery Degraded Black Phosphorus/Silicon Dioxide InterfaceNanophotonics 9, 509 (2020)
Mono-crystalline gold platelets: a high-quality platform for surface plasmon polaritonsApplied Surface Science 509, 145347 (2020)
Surface optical characterization at nanoscale using phasor representation of data acquired by scattering scanning near-field optical microscopyChemical Engineering Journal 379, 122333 (2020)
Facile preparation and synergetic energy releasing of nano-Al@RDX@Viton hollow microspheresOptics Materials Express, 10, 105 (2020)
Optical modulator based on the coupling effect of different surface plasmon modes excited on the metasurfaceNature Communications 10, 5235 (2019)
Infrared nano-spectroscopy of ferroelastic domain walls in hybrid improper ferroelectric Ca3Ti2O7J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 29353 (2019)
TiN Nanorods as Effective Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman ScatteringNano Letters 19, 7725 (2019)
Refractive Index-Based Control of Hyperbolic Phonon-Polariton PropagationScience Advances 5, eaaw6619 (2019)
Nanoscale mapping of chemical composition in organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite filmsRSC Adv. 9, 34120 (2019)
Near-field infrared microscopy of nanometer-sized nickel clusters inside single-walled carbon nanotubesAnalyticaly and Bioanalytical Chemistry 411, 7315 (2019)
Multi-technique microscopy investigation on bacterial biofilm matrices: a study on Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical strainsAdvanced Functional Materials, 29, 1904662 (2019)
A Multibeam Interference Model for Analyzing Complex Near‐Field Images of Polaritons in 2D van der Waals MicrostructuresNanoscale 11, 2153 (2019)
Silver nano-needles: focused optical field induced solution synthesis and application in remote-excitation nanofocusing SERSNanoscale 11, 21218 (2019)
Dipole modelling for a robust description of subdiffractional polariton wavesActa Microscopica 28, 1089 (2019)
Examination on Optical Properties of Two-Dimensional Materials Using Near-Field Optical MicroscopyPlasma Sci. Technol. 21, 125502 (2019)
Effects of newly devised plasma lice comb on human hairNano Letters 19, 8066 (2019)
Substrate Matters: Surface-Polariton Enhanced Infrared Nanospectroscopy of Molecular VibrationsScientific Reports 9, 13933 (2019)
On the Large Near-Field Enhancement on Nanocolumnar Gold SubstratesNanotechnology 30, 505201 (2019)
Experimental observed plasmon near-field response in isolated suspended graphene resonatorsAnal. Methods 11, 5195 (2019)
Library based identification and characterisation of polymers with nano-FTIR and IR-sSNOM imagingLab Chip 19, 3678 (2019)
Synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopy on a graphene chipACS Photonics 6, 2492 (2019)
Near-Field Imaging of Surface Plasmons from the Bulk and Surface State of Topological Insulator Bi2Te2SePhys. Rev. B 100, 121301(R) (2019)
Imaging propagative exciton polaritons in atomically thin WSe2 waveguidesACS Appl. Nano Mater 2, 6067 (2019)
Anisotropic Strain-Induced Soliton Movement Changes Stacking Order and Band-Structure of Graphene Multilayers: Implications for Charge TransportPhys. Rev. B 100, 075428 (2019)
Near-field infrared spectroscopy of monolayer MnPS3J. Synchrotron. Rad. 26, 1790 (2019)
Simultaneous scanning near-field optical and X-ray diffraction microscopy for correlative nanoscale structure–property characterizationNano Letters 19, 6058 (2019)
Tailored Plasmons in Pentacene/Graphene Heterostructures with Interlayer Electron TransferScience Advances 5, eaau9956 (2019)
Ultrafast nonlocal collective dynamics of Kane plasmon-polaritons in a narrow-gap semiconductorOptics Letters 44, 3865 (2019)
Probing mid-infrared plasmon resonances in extended radial fractal structuresNature Communications 10, 3242 (2019)
Launching of hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in h-BN slabs by resonant metal plasmonic antennasOptics Express 27, 24231 (2019)
Hyperspectral time-domain terahertz nano-imagingNanoscale 11, 14113 (2019)
Tin diselenide van der Waals materials as new candidates for mid-infrared waveguide chipsAnal. Chem. 91, 9867 (2019)
An analysis of isolated and intact RBC membranes — a comparison of a semiquantitative approach by means of FTIR, nano-FTIR and Raman spectroscopiesNature Communications 10, 2774 (2019)
High sensitivity variable-temperature infrared nanoscopy of conducting oxide interfacesACS Photonics 6,1744 (2019)
Quantification of carrier density gradients along axially-doped silicon nanowires using infrared nanoscopyPhotonik 3, 58-61 (2019)
Kompakte Ultrakurzpulslaser für komplexe MessaufgabenNanoletters 19,4620 (2019)
Observation of Intersubband Polaritons in a Single Nanoantenna Using Nano-FTIR SpectroscopyBritish Journal of Haematology, doi: 10.1111/bjh.15971 (2019)
Raman imaging highlights biochemical heterogeneity of human eosinophils versus human eosinophilic leukaemia cell lineScience Advances 5, eaav8690 (2019)
A mid-infrared biaxial hyperbolic van der Waals crystalAppl. Nano Mater. 2, 3444 (2019)
Excitation of Strong Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances in Highly Metallic Titanium Nitride Nano-Antennas for Stable Performance at Elevated TemperaturesApplied Spectroscopy, OnlineFirst (2019)
Identification of Large Isotope Anomalies in Quartz by Infrared SpectroscopyLWT 111, 355-362 (2019)
Co-assembly of nisin and zein in microfluidics for enhanced antilisterial activity in Queso FrescoJ. Phys. Chem. C 123, 13892 (2019)
Optical Response Properties of Stable and Controllable Au Nanorod Monolayer Meta-ArraysAdv. Mater. 31, 1807788 (2019)
Tunable Modal Birefringence in a Low-Loss Van Der Waals WaveguideACS Nano 13, 4893-4927 (Review) (2019)
Quantifying Polymer Chain Orientation in Strong and Tough Nanofibers with Low Crystallinity: Toward Next Generation Nanostructured SuperfibersBeilstein J. Nanotechnol. 10, 922-929 (2019)
Nanoscale optical and structural characterisation of silkScience Advances 5, eaau7171 (2019)
Engineering phonon polaritons in van der Waals heterostructures to enhance in-plane optical anisotropyAdv. Sci. 6, 1801974 (2019)
Anderson Localized Plasmon in Graphene with Random Tensile‐Strain DistributionACS Photonics, Just accepted manuscript (2019)
Probes for ultra-sensitive THz nanoscopyNanoletters 19, 2549 (2019)
Highly confined and switchable mid-Infrared surface phonon polariton resonances of planar circular cavities with a phase change materialAdv. Mater. 31, 1900251 (2019)
Phase‐Change Hyperbolic Heterostructures for Nanopolaritonics: A Case Study of hBN/VO2ACS Photonics, Article ASAP (2019)
Plasmon Control Driven by Spatial Carrier Density Modulation in Graphene2D Mater 6, 021003 (2019)
Highly resonant graphene plasmon hotspots in complex nanoresonator geometriesPrecision Engineering 56, 506 (2019)
Near-field microscopy inspection of nano scratch defects on the monocrystalline silicon surfaceOptics Express 27, 5884-5892 (2019)
Real-space mapping of mid-infrared near-field of Yagi-Uda antenna in the emission modeACS Nano 13, 1977 (2019)
A Plasmon-Mediated Electron Emission ProcessLight Sci. Appl. 8, s41377 (2019)
In-plane coherent control of plasmon resonances for plasmonic switching and encodingScience Advances 5, eaat9618 (2019)
Transient exciton-polariton dynamics in WSe2 by ultrafast near-field imagingAppl. Mater. Today 15, 145-152 (2019)
Resonance coupling in hybrid gold nanohole–monolayer WS2 nanostructuresNanoletters, Article ASAP (2019)
Anisotropic Flow Control and Gate Modulation of Hybrid Phonon-PolaritonsAdv. Sci. 6, 1801752 (2019)
Mapping Polymer Molecular Order in the SEM with Secondary Electron Hyperspectral ImagingNature Communications 10, 230 (2019)
Planar and van der Waals heterostructures for vertical tunnelling single electron transistorsNature Communications 10, 42 (2019)
Deeply subwavelength phonon-polaritonic crystal made of a van der Waals materialCeramics International 45, 793 (2019)
Multiscale connections between morphology and chemistry in crystalline, zinc-substituted hydroxyapatite nanofilms designed for biomedical applicationsJ. Am. Chem. Soc., Just Accepted (2018)
Solution Processing for Lateral Transition Metal Dichalcogenides Homojunction from Polymorphic CrystalACS Nano 12, 12701 (2018)
Nanocombing Effect Leads to Nanowire-Based, in-Plane, Uniaxial Thin FilmsAdv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1802834 (2018)
Nanospectroscopy of Infrared Phonon Resonance Enables Local Quantification of Electronic Properties in Doped SrTiO3 CeramicsNanoletters, Article ASAP (2018)
Nanoscale Near-Field Tomography of Surface States on (Bi0.5Sb0.5)2Te3Adv. Mater. Interfaces 5, 1800974 (2018)
Selected‐Area Chemical Nanoengineering of Vanadium Dioxide Nanostructures Through Nonlithographic Direct WritingACS Appl. Nano Mater, Article ASAP (2018)
Sb2Te3 Growth Study Reveals That Formation of Nanoscale Charge Carrier Domains Is an Intrinsic Feature Relevant for Electronic ApplicationsAnalyst, Advance Article (2018)
Ultrastructural and SINS analysis of the cell wall integrity response of Aspergillus nidulans to the absence of galactofuranoseNature 562, 557–562 (2018)
In-plane anisotropic and ultra-low-loss polaritons in a natural van der Waals crystalNature Communications 9, 4371 (2018)
Reconfigurable infrared hyperbolic metasurfaces using phase change materialsAdv. Optical Mater. 6, 1800337 (2018)
Spatial and Frequency Selective Plasmonic Metasurface for Long Wavelength Infrared Spectral RegionAnalyst, Advance Article (2018)
Near-field infrared nanospectroscopy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy enable complementary nanoscale analyses of lymphocyte nucleiNanoletters 19, 6265 (2018)
Direct Characterization of Near-Field Coupling in Gap Plasmon-Based MetasurfacesAdv. Opt. Mat., Early View (2018)
Electrically and Thermally Tunable Smooth Silicon Metasurfaces for Broadband Terahertz AntireflectionACS Nano 12, 9405 (2018)
Highly Organized Epitaxy of Dirac Semimetallic PtTe2 Crystals with Extrahigh Conductivity and Visible Surface Plasmons at EdgesNature Nanotechnology 13, 1035 (2018)
Nano-imaging of intersubband transitions in van der Waals quantum wellsLight: Science & Applications 7, 51 (2018)
Hybrid graphene metasurfaces for high-speed mid-infrared light modulation and single-pixel imagingMaterials 11, 1493 (2018)
Structure-Function Correlative Microscopy of Peritubular and Intertubular DentineAnal. Chem. , Just accepted (2018)
Label-free Infrared Spectroscopy and Imaging of Single Phospholipid Bilayers with Nanoscale ResolutionNanoscale, Accepted Manuscript (2018)
Nano-imaging of an edge-excited plasmon mode in grapheneNanoscale 10,15048 (2018)
Interplay of non-uniform charge distribution on the electrochemical modification of grapheneJournal of Membrane Science 541, 465-473 (2018)
Highly stable aromatic poly (ether sulfone) composite ion exchange membrane for vanadium flow batteryNanotechnology 29, 385205 (2018)
Near-field imaging of graphene triangles patterned by helium ion lithographyNanoscale, Advance Article (2018)
The chemical fingerprint of hair melanosomes by infrared nano-spectroscopyNanoletters, Article ASAP (2018)
Internal nanostructure diagnosis with hyperbolic phonon polaritons in hexagonal boron nitrideACS Photonics, Just Accepted (2018)
Understanding the image contrast of material boundaries in IR nanoscopy reaching 5 nm spatial resolutionAdvanced Materials, 1802551 (2018)
Tunable Low Loss 1D Surface Plasmons in InAs NanowiresOptics Express 26, 18423 (2018)
Phase-resolved terahertz self-detection nearfield microscopyLight: Science & Applications 7, 27 (2018)
Selective excitation and imaging of ultraslow phonon polaritons in thin hexagonal boron nitride crystalsACS Publications – The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 10, 1021 (2018)
Combined Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy and Scattering-Type Scanning Near-Field Optical MicroscopyAdvanced Science 5, 1800175 (2018)
Flexible and Electrically Tunable Plasmons in Graphene– Mica HeterostructuresScience Advances 4, eaat7189 (2018)
Ultra-confined mid-infrared resonant phonon polaritons in van der Waals nanostructuresPLoS ONE 13(6), e0199112. (2018)
Probing structural changes in single enveloped virus particles using nano-infrared spectroscopic imaging2D Mater. 5, 031010 (2018)
Few-layer 1T′ MoTe2 as gapless semimetal with thickness dependent carrier transportOptics Express 26, 18115-18124 (2018)
Compressed sensing FTIR nano-spectroscopy and nano-imagingNanoscale, Accepted Manuscript (2018)
Bi2O3 Monolayers from Elemental Liquid BismuthPlant Physiology, published online (2018)
Infrared nanospectroscopy reveals the chemical nature of pit membranes in water-conducting cells of the plant xylemACS Photonics 5, 2106-2112 (2018)
Near-Field Surface Waves in Few-Layer MoS2ACS Photonics 7, 2773 (2018)
Far Infrared Synchrotron Near-Field Nanoimaging and NanospectroscopyNature Communications 9, 1762 (2018)
Ultra-confined surface phonon polaritons in molecular layers of van der Waals dielectricsJ. Phys. Chem. B 122, 5006−5019 (2018)
Inhomogeneity of Cellulose Microfibril Assembly in Plant Cell Walls Revealed with Sum Frequency Generation MicroscopyAdv. Mater, Early View, 1800367 (2018)
Optically Unraveling the Edge Chirality‐Dependent Band Structure and Plasmon Damping in Graphene EdgesOptics Express 26, 11238-11249 (2018)
Low-aberration beamline optics for synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopyAdv. Optical Mater, Early View, 1701368 (2018)
Broadband Multifunctional Plasmonic Logic GatesACS Omega, 3, 4141-4147 (2018)
Infrared Nanospectroscopy of Phospholipid and Surfactin Monolayer DomainsACS Photonics 5, 1912–1918 (2018)
Infrared Fingerprints of Natural 2D Talc and Plasmon–Phonon Coupling in Graphene–Talc HeterostructuresAdv. Mater. 30, 1705318 (2018)
Highly Confined and Tunable Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in Van Der Waals Semiconducting Transition Metal OxidesNanoscale 10, 7519-7525 (2018)
Transport mechanisms in a puckered graphene-on-latticeOptica 5, 283-288 (2018)
Nanoscale control over optical singularitiesNanoscale 10, 6288 (2018)
Improving Luttinger-liquid plasmons in carbon nanotubes by chemical dopingAdvanced Healthcare Materials 7, 1700873 (2018)
30 s Response Time of K+ Ion‐Selective Hydrogels Functionalized with 18‐Crown‐6 Ether Based on QCM SensorNature Communications 9, 866 (2018)
Aggregating sequences that occur in many proteins constitute weak spots of bacterial proteostasisPhys. Rev. B 97, 085146 (2018)
Highly repeatable nanoscale phase coexistence in vanadium dioxide filmsScience 359, 892–896 (2018)
Infrared hyperbolic metasurface based on nanostructured van der Waals materialsApplied Physics Express 11, 032001 (2018)
Continuous multispectral imaging of surface phonon polaritons on silicon carbide with an external cavity quantum cascade laserAdv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1706577 (2018)
CdS Nanoribbon‐Based Resistive Switches with Ultrawidely Tunable Power by Surface Charge Transfer DopingVol. 5, No. 2 / February 2018 / Optica 159 (2018)
All-electronic terahertz nanoscopyNanoletters 18, 1373-1378 (2018)
Quantum Control of Graphene Plasmon Excitation and Propagation at Heaviside Potential StepsJournal of Membrane Science 550 198–207 (2017)
High performance mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) composed of ZIF-94 filler and 6FDA-DAM polymerLight: Science & Applications 7, e17172 (2017)
Boron nitride nanoresonators for phonon-enhanced molecular vibrational spectroscopy at the strong coupling limitJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30, 025602 (2017)
Temperature dependent infrared nano-imaging of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 thin filmAdv. Electron. Mater. 2017, 1700377 (2017)
Nanoimaging of Electronic Heterogeneity in Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3 NanocrystalsCorrosion Science 131, 324-329 (2017)
Air and chlorine gas corrosion of different silicon carbides analyzed by nano-Fourier-transform infrared (nano-FTIR) spectroscopyNature Communications 8, 1471 (2017)
Probing optical anisotropy of nanometer-thin van der waals microcrystals by near-field imagingACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Just accepted (2017)
Macroscopic alignment and assembly of π-conjugated oligopeptides using colloidal microchannelsPhys. Status Solidi B, 1700433 (2017)
Nanoscale Characterization of Individual Horizontally Aligned Single-Walled Carbon NanotubesACS Photonics, Article ASAP (2017)
Propagating Plasmons in a Charge-Neutral Quantum Tunneling TransistorNanoletters, Just Accepted (2017)
Direct amplitude-phase near-field observation of higher-order anapole statesACS Photonics, Article ASAP (2017)
Nanoscale Laser Terahertz Emission MicroscopyAdv. Mater. 29, 170294 (2017)
Launching Phonon Polaritons by Natural Boron Nitride Wrinkles with Modifiable Dispersion by Dielectric EnvironmentsNanoletters, Article ASAP (2017)
Plasmon Reflections by Topological Electronic Boundaries in Bilayer GraphenePhys. Status Solidi B, early view article (2017)
High-Resolution Nanoscpectroscopy of Boron Nitride NanotubesACS Nano 11, 8741 (2017)
Mechanical Detection and Imaging of Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in Hexagonal Boron NitrideACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 36137 (2017)
Highly Efficient and Air-Stable Infrared Photodetector Based on 2D Layered Graphene–Black Phosphorus HeterostructureACS Photonics, Article ASAP (2017)
Infrared Nanoimaging Reveals the Surface Metallic Plasmons in Topological InsulatorOptics Express 25, 20421-20430 (2017)
Broadband near-field infrared spectroscopy with a high temperature plasma light sourceNanoletters 17 (10), 5908–5913 (2017)
Intrinsic Plasmon–Phonon Interactions in Highly Doped Graphene: A Near-Field Imaging Study2D Mater. 4, 035028 (2017)
Oxygen impact on the electronic and vibrational properties of black phosphorus probed by synchrotron infrared nanospectroscopyACS. Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9,28107 (2017)
Porous Two-Dimensional Monolayer Metal−Organic Framework Material and Its Use for the Size-Selective Separation of NanoparticlesOptics Express 25, 16574-16587 (2017)
Enhancing the sensitivity of nano-FTIR spectroscopyAdv. Sci. 4, 1799191 (2017)
Precise Protein Photolithography (P3): High Performance Biopatterning Using Silk Fibroin Light Chain as the ResistAdvanced Materials 29, 1606370 (2017)
The Light-Induced Field-Effect Solar Cell Concept – Perovskite Nanoparticle Coating Introduces Polarization Enhancing Silicon Cell EfficiencyNature Photonics 11, 421-424 (2017)
Electrical 2π phase control of infrared light in a 350-nm footprint using graphene plasmonsACS Photonics 4, 1753 (2017)
Phonon-Polaritonic Bowtie Nanoantennas: Controlling Infrared Thermal Radiation at the NanoscaleNature Communications 8, 15561 (2017)
Imaging metal-like monoclinic phase stabilized by surface coordination effect in vanadium dioxide nanobeamImaging metal-like monoclinic phase stabilized by surface coordination effect in vanadium dioxide nanobeamNature Communications 8, 15624 (2017)
Nanoimaging of resonating hyperbolic polaritons in linear boron nitride antennasOptics Express 25, 12295-12302 (2017)
Hybrid plasmonic waveguides formed by metal coating of dielectric ridgesScience Advances 3, e1602617 (2017)
Extraordinary linear dynamic range in laser-defined functionalized graphene photodetectorsScientific Reports 7, 864 (2017)
Active Mediation of Plasmon Enhanced Localized Exciton Generation, Carrier Diffusion and Enhanced Photon EmissionACS Photonics 4, 1207-1215 (2017)
White Light Generation and Anisotropic Damage in Gold Films near Percolation ThresholdLight Sci. Appl. 6, e17057 (2017)
Tailoring of electromagnetic field localizations by two-dimensional graphene nanostructuresNanoletters 17 (4), 2667-2673 (2017)
Dual-Scattering Near-Field Microscope for Correlative Nanoimaging of SERS and Electromagnetic HotspotsACS Sensors, 2 (3), 386–393 (2017)
Flexible, Transparent, and Free-Standing Silicon Nanowire SERS Platform for in Situ Food InspectionNature Communications 8, 14402 (2017)
Hyperspectral infrared nanoimaging of organic samples based on Fourier transform infrared nanospectroscopyLight: Science & Applications 6, e16204 (2017)
Effects of edge on graphene plasmons as revealed by infrared nanoimagingJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50, 094002 (6) (2017)
High performance photodetector based on 2D CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite nanosheetsACS Nano 11 (2), 1530-1539 (2017)
Direct Electrical Probing of Periodic Modulation of Zinc-Dopant Distributions in Planar Gallium Arsenide NanowiresACS Photonics 4, 567-575 (2017)
Bridged Bowtie Aperture Antenna for Producing an Electromagnetic Hot SpotNature Nanotechnology 12, 207-211 (2016)
Femtosecond photo-switching of interface polaritons in black phosphorus heterostructuresNanoletters 17, 228 (2016)
Optical Nanoimaging of Hyperbolic Surface Polaritons at the Edges of van der Waals MaterialsNanoscale, 9, 208 (2016)
Study of graphene plasmons in graphene–MoS2 heterostructures for optoelectronic integrated devicesElsevier: Industrial Crops and Products (2016)
An alternative approach for the incorporation of cellulose nanocrystals in flexible polyurethane foams based on renewably sourced polyolsAdvanced Optical Materials (2016)
Visible Range Plasmonic Modes on Topological Insulator Nanostructures2D Materials, 3 045001 (2016)
Tailorable reflection of surface plasmons in defect engineered grapheneNano-Micro Letters 9: 2 (2016)
Molybdenum Nanoscrews: A Novel Non-coinage-Metal Substrate for Surface-Enhanced Raman ScatteringACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8 (35), pp 23160–23166 (2016)
Nanoscopy of Phase Separation in InxGa1–xN AlloysNanoscale, Advance Article (2016)
Chemically-doped graphene with improved surface plasmon characteristics: an optical near-field studyACS Nano, Just Accepted Manuscript (2016)
Reversible Structural Swell-Shrink and Recoverable Optical Properties in Hybrid Inorganic-Organic PerovskitePhysica Status Solidi B (2016)
Scattering near-field optical microscopy on metallic and semiconducting carbon nanotube bundles in the infraredACS Photonics, Article ASAP (2016)
Nanofocusing of Hyperbolic Phonon Polaritons in a Tapered Boron Nitride SlabNature Materials (2016)
Reversible optical switching of highly confined phonon–polaritons with an ultrathin phase-change materialAdvanced Materials Interfaces, 2016 (2016)
Nanoscopy of Black Phosphorus DegradationNanoletters 16(6), 3858-3865 (2016)
Imaging of Anomalous Internal Reflections of Hyperbolic Phonon-Polaritons in Hexagonal Boron NitrideNature Photonics 10, 244–247 (2016)
Ultrafast optical switching of infrared plasmon polaritons in high-mobility grapheneNature Photonics 10, 239–243 (2016)
Real-space mapping of tailored sheet and edge plasmons in graphene nanoresonatorsPhysical Review B 93, 121302 (2016)
Two-dimensional optical nanovortices at visible lightOptics Express Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 4582-4590 (2016)
Near-field characterization of bound plasmonic modes in metal strip waveguidesOptics Express Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 4431-4441 (2016)
Exploring the detection limits of infrared near-field microscopy regarding small buried structures and pushing them by exploiting superlens-related effectsCorrosion Science 108, pp. 60–65 (2016)
Nano-FTIR microscopy and spectroscopy studies of atmospheric corrosion with a spatial resolution of 20 nmNature Communications 7, Article number: 10783 (2016)
Near-field photocurrent nanoscopy on bare and encapsulated grapheneAdvanced Materials 28, Issue 15, pp. 2931–2938 (2016)
Far-Field Spectroscopy and Near-Field Optical Imaging of Coupled Plasmon–Phonon Polaritons in 2D van der Waals HeterostructuresNano Letters, Article ASAP (2016)
Harnessing a Quantum Design Approach for Making Low-Loss SuperlensesOptics Express, Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 1154-1164 (2016)
Nanoscale plasmonic phenomena in CVD-grown MoS2 monolayer revealed by ultra-broadband synchrotron radiation based nano-FTIR spectroscopy and near-field microscopyNano Letters, Article ASAP (2016)
Ultrafast Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy of Strained Vanadium Dioxide NanobeamsFaraday Discussions, 187, 555-573 (2016)
High spatial resolution (1.1 μm and 20 nm) FTIR polarization contrast imaging reveals pre-rupture disorder in damaged tendonNano Letters, Article ASAP (2015)
Active Optical Metasurfaces Based on Defect-Engineered Phase-Transition MaterialsACS Nano, Article ASAP (2015)
Nanoscale Insights into the Hydrogenation Process of Layered α-MoO3Nano Letters, 2016, 16 (1), pp 663–670 (2015)
Real-Space Mapping of the Chiral Near-Field Distributions in Spiral Antennas and Planar MetasurfacesOptics Express Vol. 23, Issue 25, pp. 32759-32765 (2015)
Spin-patterned plasmonics: towards optical access to topological-insulator surface statesOptica Vol. 2, Issue 12, pp. 1045-1048 (2015)
Nanoscale shaping and focusing of visible light in planar metal–oxide–silicon waveguidesFaraday Discuss (2015)
New IR imaging modalities for cancer detection and for intra-cell chemical mapping with a sub-diffraction mid-IR s-SNOMNano Letters, 2015, 15 (12), pp 8148–8154 (2015)
Boosting Local Field Enhancement by on-Chip Nanofocusing and Impedance-Matched Plasmonic AntennasLaser & Photonics, Volume 9, Issue 6, pages 637–649, November 2015 (2015)
Mapping the near fields of plasmonic nanoantennas by scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopyApplied Physics Letters 107, 151902 (2015)
Imaging of phase change materials below a capping layer using correlative infrared near-field microscopy and electron microscopyNature Photonics 9, 674–678 (2015)
Direct observation of ultraslow hyperbolic polariton propagation with negative phase velocityScientific Reports 5, Article number: 13997 (2015)
Control of plasmonic nanoantennas by reversible metal-insulator transitionNanoscale, 2015, 7, 15392-15403 (2015)
A centimeter-scale sub-10 nm gap plasmonic nanorod array film as a versatile platform for enhancing light–matter interactionsACS Nano, 2015, 9 (8), pp 7968–7975 (2015)
Graphene-Based Platform for Infrared Near-Field Nano-Spectroscopy of Water and Biological Materials in an Aqueous EnvironmentNano Letters, 15 (8), pp 4859–4864 (2015)
Tuning and Persistent Switching of Graphene Plasmons on a Ferroelectric SubstratePhysical Review B 91, 245155 (2015)
Phase transition in bulk single crystals and thin films of VO2 by nanoscale infrared spectroscopy and imagingNature Communications 6, No. 7507 (2015)
Hyperbolic phonon-polaritons in boron nitride for near-field optical imaging and focusingNature Nanotechnology 10, 682–686 (2015)
Graphene on hexagonal boron nitride as a tunable hyperbolic metamaterialNanoscale, 2015,7, 11620-11625 (2015)
Graphene/h-BN plasmon–phonon coupling and plasmon delocalization observed by infrared nano-spectroscopyOptics Express Vol. 23, Issue 10, pp. 13358-13369 (2015)
Magnitude and phase-resolved infrared vibrational nanospectroscopy with a swept quantum cascade laserScientific Reports 5, No. 9837 (2015)
The reduction of surface plasmon losses in quasi-suspended grapheneAdvanced Optical Materials 3, 1389–1396 (2015)
Hybrid Graphene–Perovskite Phototransistors with Ultrahigh Responsivity and GainNature Communications 6, No 6963 (2015)
Subdiffractional focusing and guiding of polaritonic rays in a natural hyperbolic materialNano Letters, 2015, 15 (5), pp 2787–2793 (2015)
Solvothermally Synthesized Sb2Te3 Platelets Show Unexpected Optical Contrasts in Mid-Infrared Near-Field Scanning MicroscopyOptics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 9100-9108 (2015)
Efficient interfacing photonic and long-range dielectric-loaded plasmonic waveguidesFuel, Volume 153, pp. 628–633 (2015)
Relation of chemical composition to asphalt microstructure – Details and properties of micro-structures in bitumen as seen by thermal and friction force microscopy and by scanning near-filed optical microscopyThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 2015, 6, pp 1126–1129 (2015)
IR Near-Field Study of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase on a Tin ElectrodeApplied Physics Letters (2015)
Monolayers of WxMo12xS2 alloy heterostructure with in-plane composition variationsApplied Physics Letters 106, 023113 (2015)
Nanoscale-resolved chemical identification of thin organic films using infrared near-field spectroscopy and standard Fourier transform infrared referencesNature Materials 14, 421–425 (2014)
Highly confined low-loss plasmons in graphene–boron nitride heterostructuresNature Communications 5, No 5445 (2014)
Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy as a non-destructive probe of extraterrestrial samplesComposites: Part B 71 (2015) 210–217 (2014)
Impedance spectroscopy characterization of relaxation mechanisms in gold–chitosan nanocompositesMicroscopy Today, Volume22, Issue 06 Nov 2014, pp 24 – 29 (2014)
Tiny Crystals Located and Identified by Infrared NanoscopyNano Letters, 2015, 15 (1), pp 1–7 (2014)
IR Near-Field Spectroscopy and Imaging of Single LixFePO4 MicrocrystalsNano Letters, 14, p. 5598–5602 (2014)
Sub-100 nm Focusing of Short Wavelength Plasmons in Homogeneous 2D SpaceNature Photonics 8, 841–845 (2014)
Ultrafast multi-terahertz nano-spectroscopy with sub-cycle temporal resolutionACS Photonics, 1, p. 794 (2014)
Near-Field Mapping of Optical Modes on All-Dielectric Silicon NanodisksOptics Express 22, p. 22369-22381 (2014)
Near-field imaging and spectroscopy of locally strained GaN using an IR broadband laserNano Letters, 14, p. 4529-4534 (2014)
Ultrafast Dynamics of Surface Plasmons in InAs by Time-Resolved Infrared NanospectroscopyIEEE Photon. J., p. 480147 – Plasmonics (2014)
Checkerboard Nanoplasmonic Gold Structure for Long-Wave Infrared Absorption EnhancementOptics Express, 22, p. 17948 (2014)
Characterization of semiconductor materials using synchrotron radiation-based near-field infrared microscopy and nano-FTIR spectroscopyNano Lett., 2014, 14 (7), pp 3925–3929 (2014)
Direct Characterization of Plasmonic Slot Waveguides and NanocouplersNature Communications, 5, p.4101 (2014)
Sub-micron phase coexistence in small-molecule organic thin films revealed by infrared nano-imagingThe European Physical Journal B, 87, p.126 (2014)
Bundle versus network conductivity of carbon nanotubes separated by typeACS Photonics, 1, p. 604-611 (2014)
Polarization-Resolved Near-Field Characterization of Nanoscale Infrared Modes in Transmission Lines Fabricated by Gallium and Helium Ion Beam MillingACS Nano 8, 6911-6921 (2014)
Recovery of Permittivity and Depth from Near-Field Data as a Step toward Infrared NanotomographyScience 344, p.1369 (2014)
Controlling graphene plasmons with resonant metal antennas and spatial conductivity patternsJ Phys Chem C, 118, p.9119 (2014)
Direct Near-Field Observation of Orientation-Dependent Optical Response of Gold NanorodsOptics Express 22-10341 (2014) (2014)
Nanofocusing in circular sector-like nanoantennasScience 343, 1125 (2014) (2014)
Tunable Phonon Polaritons in Atomically Thin van der Waals Crystals of Boron NitrideNano Letters 2014 14 (2) pp 894–900 (2014)
Ultrafast and Nanoscale Plasmonic Phenomena in Exfoliated Graphene Revealed by Infrared Pump−Probe NanoscopyNature Communications 4, 2890 (2013)
Structural analysis and mapping of individual protein complexes by infrared nanospectroscopyNanoletters, 13, p.6210 (2013)
Strong Plasmon Reflection at Nanometer-Size Gaps in Monolayer Graphene on SiCPhysical Review Letters, 111, p.096602 (2013)
Anisotropic Electronic State via Spontaneous Phase Separation in Strained Vanadium Dioxide FilmsNature Nanotechnology 8, 821–825 (2013)
Electronic and plasmonic phenomena at graphene grain boundariesOptics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 18, pp. 21607-21617 (2013)
Probe-sample optical interaction: size and wavelength dependence in localized plasmon near-field imagingPhys. Rev. Lett. 111, 096602 (2013) (2013)
Anisotropic Electronic State via Spontaneous Phase Separation in Strained Vanadium Dioxide FilmsPhysical Review Letters, 110, p.203902 (2013)
Experimental Verification of the Spectral Shift between Near- and Far-Field Peak Intensities of Plasmonic Infrared NanoantennasUltramicroscopy, 126, p.40 (2013)
Visibility of weak contrasts in subsurface scattering near-field microscopyJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4, p.1526 (2013)
Quantitative Measurement of Local Infrared Absorption and Dielectric Function with Tip-Enhanced Near-Field MicroscopyOptics Express, 21, p.2913 (2013)
Near-field imaging and nano-Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy using broadband synchrotron radiationOptics Express, 21, p.1270 (2013)
Visualizing the near-field coupling and interference of bonding and anti-bonding modes in infrared dimer nanoantennasNano Letters, 2013, 13 (3), pp 1065–1072 (2013)
Resonant Antenna Probes for Tip-Enhanced Infrared Near-Field MicroscopyJ. Biophotonics 1–7 (2012)
Visualisation of methacrylate-embedded human bone sections by infrared nanoscopyNature Communications 3, p.1131 (2012)
Correlative infrared–electron nanoscopy reveals the local structure–conductivity relationship in zinc oxide nanowires.Physical Review B, 85, p.075419 (2012)
Near-field spectroscopy of silicon dioxide thin filmsJournal of Nanoparticle Research, 14, p.766 (2012)
Nanoscale near-field infrared spectroscopic imaging of silica-shell/gold-core and pure silica nanoparticlesColloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 402, p.146 (2012)
Characterization of localized surface plasmon resonance transducers produced from Au25 nanoparticle multilayersApplied Physics Letters 101, 193105 (2012)
Antenna-enhanced infrared near-field nanospectroscopy of a polymerApplied Physics Letters 101, 131102 (2012)
Real-space mapping of nanoplasmonic hotspots via optical antenna-gap loadingPhysical Review Letters 97, p.60801 (2012)
Nanoscale Layering of Antiferromagnetic and Superconducting Phases in Rb2Fe4Se5 Single Crystals.Nanoletters 12, p. 3973 (2012)
nano-FTIR absorption spectroscopy of molecular fingerprints at 20 nm spatial resolution.Optics Express 20, p. 13173 (2012)
Quasi-analytical model for scattering infrared near-field microscopy on layered systems.Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 3, p.312 (2012)
nano-FTIR chemical mapping of minerals in biological materialsNature Communications 3, p.684 (2012)
Resolving the electromagnetic mechanism of surface-enhanced light scattering at single hot spotsACS nano 6, p.8 (2012)
Phase in NanoopticsOptics Express 20, p.593 (2011)
Enhanced resolution in subsurface near-field optical microscopyOptics Express 19, p.20865 (2011)
Nanoscale subsurface- and material-specific identification of single nanoparticlesOptics Express 19, p.15047 (2011)
Longitudinal and transverse coupling in infrared gold nanoantenna arrays: long range versus short range interaction regimesACS nano 5, p.6494 (2011)
Nanoscale Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Individual Nanoparticles Enabled by Scattering-Type Near-Field MicroscopyNature Photonics 5, p. 283 (2011)
Nanofocusing of mid-infrared energy with tapered transmission linesPhysical Review B 83, p.45404 (2011)
Broadband-infrared assessment of phonon resonance in scattering-type near-field microscopyNano letters 10, 3524 (2010)
Phase-Resolved Mapping of the Near-Field Vector and Polarization State in Nanoscale Antenna GapsJournal of Physical Chemistry C 114, p.7341 (2010)
Amplitude- and Phase-Resolved Near-Field Mapping of Infrared Antenna Modes by Transmission-Mode Scattering-Type Near-Field MicroscopyNano letters 10, p.1387 (2010)
Nanoscale Free Carrier Profiling on Individual Semiconductor Nanowires by Infrared Near-Field NanoscopyNanotechology 21, p.235702 (2010)
Infrared spectroscopic near-field mapping of single nanotransistorsPhysical Review B 80, 115115 (2009)
Inhomogeneous electronic state near the insulator-to-metal transition in the correlated oxide VO2Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves 30, 1255 (2009)
Nanoscale conductivity contrast by scattering-type near-field optical microscopy in the visible, infrared and THz domainsA.Zayats and D. Richards, Editors, Artech House, ISBN 978-1-59693-284-5 (2009)
Near-field nanoscopy by elastic light scattering from a tip in Nano-Optics and Near-Field Optical MicroscopyNature Photonics 3, p.287 (2009)
Controlling the near-field oscillations of loaded plasmonic nanoantennasOptics Express 17, p.22351 (2009)
Nanoscale residual stress-field mapping around nanoindents in SiC by IR s-SNOM and confocal Raman microscopyPhysical Review B 79, p. 125439 (2009)
Influence of the tip in near-field imaging of nanoparticle plasmon modes: Weak and strong coupling regimesOptics Express 16, 1529 (2008)
Substrate-enhanced infrared near-field spectroscopyApplied Physical Letters 92, p.203104 (2008)
Focusing of surface phonon polaritonsNano Letters 8, p.3766 (2008)
Terahertz Near-Field Nanoscopy of Mobile Carriers in Single Semiconductor NanodevicesOptics Express 15, 8550 (2007)
Analytical model for quantitative prediction of material contrasts in scattering-type near-field optical microscopyJournal of Microscopy 229, p.389 (2007)
Local excitation and interference of surface phonon polaritons studied by near-field infrared microscopyNano Letters 7, p.3177 (2007)
Material-Specific Infrared Recognition of Single Sub-10 nm Particles by Substrate-Enhanced Scattering-Type Near-Field MicroscopyAdvanced Materials 19, p.2209 (2007)
Simultaneous IR Material Recognition and Conductivity Mapping by Nanoscale Near-Field MicroscopyApplied Physical Letters 89, 101124 (2006)
Pseudoheterodyne detection for background-free near-field spectroscopyPhysical Review Letters 97, p.60801 (2006)
Infrared Imaging of Single Nanoparticles via Strong Field Enhancement in a Scanning NanogapNano letters 6, p.774 (2006)
Nanoscale Resolved Infrared Probing of Crystal Structure and of Plasmon−Phonon CouplingNano letters 6, p.1307 (2006)
Infrared Spectroscopic Mapping of Single Nanoparticles and Viruses at Nanoscale ResolutionPhysical Review B 71, 075410 (2005)
Resonant light scattering by near-field induced phonon polaritonsOptics Express 13, 8893 (2005)
Nanoscale resolved subsurface imaging by scattering-type near-field optical microscopyApplied Physical Letters 87, p.81103 (2005)
Near-field imaging of mid-infrared surface phonon polariton propagationPhilosophical Transactions A, 362, 787 (2004)
Near-field optical microscopy by elastic light scattering from a tipNano letters 4, 1669 (2004)
Nanomechanical Resonance Tuning and Phase Effects in Optical Near-Field InteractionNature Materials 3, p.606 (2004)
Subwavelength-scale tailoring of surface phonon polaritons by focused ion-beam implantationApplied Physical Letters 85, 4466 (2004)
Contrast and scattering efficiency of scattering-type near-field optical probesApplied Physical Letters 85, p.5064 (2004)
Nanoscale polymer recognition by spectral signature in scattering infrared near-field microscopyJournal of Microsccopy 210, 311 (2003)
Performance of visible and mid-infrared scattering-type near-field optical microscopesApplied Physical Letters 83, p. 368 (2003)
Coherent imaging of nanoscale plasmon patterns with a carbon nanotube optical probeApplied Physical Letters 80, 25 (2002)
Material-specific mapping of metal/semiconductor/dielectric nanosystems at 10 nm resolution by backscattering near-field optical microscopyJournal of Microscopy 202, 77 (2001)
Pure optical contrast in scattering-type scanning near-field microscopyApplied Physics B 73, 239 (2001)
Optical oscillation modes of plasmon particles observed in direct space by phase-contrast near-field microscopyPhysical Review Letters 80, 3029 (2000)
Complex optical constants on a subwavelength scale
Company News
neaspec introduces neaSCOPE product line
neaSCOPE is an application-driven product line for tip-enhanced nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy, serving customer needs in diverse fields of science,...
neaspec invites you to its 2nd international workshop on Nanoscale Analytics
neaspec invites you to join this exclusive four day event FREE OF CHARGE (including lunch, coffee breaks, workshop dinner and...
neaspec now represents the business sector ‘Nanoscale Analytics’ at attocube systems
We’re expanding the nanoworld! As of November 4th, neaspec represents the business sector ‘Nanoscale Analytics‘ within attocube systems. Together with...
neaspec invites you to its 1st international workshop on Nanoscale Analytics
The workshop takes you through… scientific talks on various applications held by near-field microscopy experts tutorials on basic principles &...
neaspec achieves 35th place in the Technology Fast 50 – Germany’s fastest growing technology companies
neaspec today received the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Award. The rankings are based on the percentage sales growth of the...
Researchers discover directional and long-lived nanolight in a 2D-Material
An international team led by researchers from Monash University (Melbourne, Australia), University of Oviedo (Asturias, Spain), CIC nanoGUNE (San Sebastián, Spain), and Soochow University (Suzhou,...
neaspec is selected as a top 3 finalist of the “Prism Award 2018” for the cryo-neaSNOM microsocope
neaspec is selected as a top 3 finalist of the “Prism Award 2018” for the cryo-neaSNOM microsocope. The Photonics Prism...
First infrared nano-spectroscopy demo at the Canadian synchrotron (CLS)
With the support of the Canadian Light Source (CLS), a live demonstration of the neaSNOM nano-FTIR microscope in August 2016 provided researchers...
neaspec wins the iF product design award 2016 for nano-FTIR
neaspec’s neaSNOM microscope wins the prestigious iF design award 2016 in the category products. Each year the iF International Forum Design GmbH awards...
Terahertz near-field microscopy at 30nm spatial resolution
Due to their long wavelengths, terahertz radiation runs into difficulties when detecting extremely small structures. However, by combining terahertz radiation...
Prof. Rainer Hillenbrand (neaspec Scientific Advisor & Co-Founder) wins the Ludwig-Genzel-Prize 2014
Prof. Rainer Hillenbrand (neaspec Scientific Advisor & Co-Founder) wins the Ludwig-Genzel-Prize 2014 for the design and development of infrared near-field...
attocube systems AG acquires the majority holding in neaspec GmbH
Munich-based nanotechnology specialist attocube took over the majority share in neaspec GmbH by mid-February. neaspec and attocube share a common...
neaspec wins STEP award competition 2013 for best product & technology
neaspec won the STEP award competition 2013 for the best product & technology. The laudators emphasized that the prize was...
Redesigned neaspec website is now online
The neaspec website was redesigned from scratch and is now live. The new website provides several advantages: Easier navigation More...
neaspec wins Microscopy Today Innovation Award 2013 for nano-FTIR
nano-FTIR from neaspec wins the prestigous Microscopy Today Innovation Award 2013. The prize is awarded yearly for the top international innovations...
neaspec selected as top 10 finalist of Deutscher Gründerpreis 2013
neaspec is selected as a top 10 finalist of the “Deutscher Gründerpreis 2013″, Germany’s most prestigious Start-Up award initiated by...
nano-FTIR – A new era modern analytical chemistry
Nanoscale chemical identification and mapping of materials now becomes possible with nano-FTIR from neaspec GmbH. This technique combines the best...
neaspec wins CeNS Publication Award 2012
This year, neaspec wins two(!) CeNS publication awards from the Center of NanoScience in Munich: One for a Nano Letters...
neaspec selected as a top 20 finalist of the STEP award competition 2012
neaspec is selected as a top 20 finalist of the STEP award competition 2012. The STEP Award is a german enterprise...
Plasmons on Graphene with neaSNOM
Two independent research teams have successfully used their infrared near-field microscopes (neaSNOM) for laying down a ghost: visualizing Dirac plasmons...
neaspec wins CeNS Publication Award 2011
neaspec wins the CeNS Puplication Award 2011 for their publication “Infrared-spectroscopic nanoimaging with a thermal source” in Nature Materials
neaspec is selected as a top 20 finalist of the STEP award competition 2011
neaspec is selected as a top 20 finalist of the STEP award competition 2011. The STEP Award is a german...