Continuous multispectral imaging of surface phonon polaritons on silicon carbide with an external cavity quantum cascade laser
T. Dougakiuchi, Y. Kawada, G. Takebe
Applied Physics Express 11, 032001 (2018)
We demonstrate the continuous multispectral imaging of surface phonon polaritons (SPhPs) on silicon carbide excited by an external cavity
quantum cascade laser using scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy. The launched SPhPs were well characterized via the
confirmation that the theoretical dispersion relation and measured in-plane wave vectors are in excellent agreement in the entire measurement
range. The proposed scheme, which can excite and observe SPhPs with an arbitrary wavelength that effectively covers the spectral gap of CO2
lasers, is expected to be applicable for studies of near-field optics and for various applications based on SPhPs.