Imaging Ferroelastic Domain Walls in Hybrid Improper Ferroelectric Sr3Sn2O7
Ashley M. Sargent, Kevin A. Smith, Kai Du, Xianghan Xu, Sang-Wook Cheong, Stephanie N. Gilbert Corder, Hans A. Bechtel and Janice L. Musfeldt
Nano Letters 24, 14460 (2024)
We combined synchrotron-based near field infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy to image the properties of ferroelastic domain walls in Sr3Sn2O7. Although frequency shifts at the walls are near the limit of our sensitivity, we can confirm semiconducting rather than metallic character and widths between 20 and 60 nm. The latter is significantly narrower than in other hybrid improper ferroelectrics like Ca3Ti2O7. We attribute this trend to the softer lattice in Sr3Sn2O7, which may enable the octahedral tilt and rotation order parameters to evolve more quickly across the wall without significantly increased strain. These findings are crucial for the understanding of phononic properties at interfaces and the development of domain wall-based devices.